Teenager Apprenticeship Programme
in Life Sciences Research
Defining the field of life sciences

The interdisciplinary facets of life sciences incorporate the diverse branches of science affiliated with the investigative study of all living organisms.
Life science discoveries have contributed to a global improvement in living standards, promoting a prosperous quality of life, with substantial effects observed in the industries of health, medicine, pharmaceutics, agriculture, and food science to name but a few.
The practical application of life sciences extends to a plethora of related fields with vast applicability in many cross-over subspecialties, particularly in the realm of healthcare and other applied disciplines. Several academic majors including Bioengineering, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Environmental Health, Medicine, Molecular Biology, Pharmacology and Virology are among the many paths which distinctly portray the vocational diversity that a career in life sciences offers. A world of opportunity awaits. This is your chance to explore the exciting subjects associated with life sciences, and to discover the rewarding careers that follow.

What is research apprenticeship?
This hands-on experience provides the opportunity to partake in expert industry training. Unlike traditional tutorial classes or mock-research assignments, a research apprenticeship is an educational form of internship training that allows an intern to acquire a set of research and interpersonal skills through authentic work experiences. By working directly with a professional research team, participating in current ongoing research projects, and applying acquired skills in a real-life research facility under the supervision of a renowned opinion leader in the field (mentor), interns can immerse themselves in a highly specialized environment.
The benefits of a research internship

For future postgraduate students pursuing doctoral degrees or advanced professional qualifications, a research internship is a crucial requirement that forms an important part of individual career development and progression.
Exceptional undergraduate students who have been exposed to an internship experience may be presented with various opportunities to engage in specialized research work at various research centers across the globe. Esteemed fellowship grants may be presented to successful interns, where the experience gained and research publications produced all form an integral part of professional advancements for those pursuing advanced studies.
As those that will shape the future of the world, high-school students display a keen enthusiasm to engage in research internships at an earlier stage for 3 major reasons:
They are exposed to early research experiences that provide insightful perspectives which can guide their choice of life-science majors in universities or medical schools.
Internships provide valuable knowledge regarding potential career options and research opportunities in academia as a direct result of being able to study subjects that interest them but are absent from the high school curriculum.
In an ever-more competitive admissions landscape, "Standing Out, So Colleges See Who You Really Are" matters. Completing college level research projects as a high school student provides a unique advantage that is difficult to overlook.
To stay ahead of their peers at university with early research experience, whilst simultaneously fostering a personal sense of confidence in future career decisions.
A World-Renowned Key Opinion Leader in Basic & Clinical Science Research (Health Science) Advising Students on Research Internship
Roberto Ferrari, M.D., Ph.D., FESC Emeritus Professor
Professor Ferrari encourages young researchers to explore the beauty of scientific discovery and briefly introduces the numerous rewards and requirements of the TAP program. Enthusiastic, curious, and willing students are inspired to embrace the world of life science, growing through their exposure to specialized research procedures in an international setting.
Who’s Who in the Research World

Google Scholar is an academic platform that features the published research articles of all individuals. To explore the scientific influence of researchers, you can use Google Scholar to discover the number of research articles that they have published, and the impact factor numbers of the journals which accept their articles.

Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia that provides a large body of information. Go to Wikipedia and find out about the academic achievements, ranks or appointments within internationally recognized research associations or societies of mentors or topics that are of personal interest.
It is important for an intern to engage in cutting edge research projects conducted in world-class research institutes under the valuable mentorship of global key opinion leaders in his/her research field. Your personal experience with the state-of-the-art research can effectively differentiate your co-curricular activity from others and set you a cut above the rest.
Former Research Interns Speaking About Their Personal TAP Research Internship Experience
Clara Calazans, a 5th-year medical student from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, in Brazil (South America)
TAP offers an amazing opportunity to learn more about research and what you want to study before starting university, whilst having a unique cultural experience abroad that contributes to your self-growth and development. Embrace scholarly exchange, be curious, confidently explore the field of research and discover a whole lot more.
Yin Peng (Sophie), an assistant Professor in the Department of Pathology, of the Shenzen University Medical School, in China (Asia)
The TAP internship experience is extremely valuable in preparing you for graduate school application processes and attendance. Not only are you able to better understand yourself and discover your personal research interests, but you can simultaneously engage in constructive networking opportunities that are crucial for both scientific and career development.
Paweł Głusak, a 6th-year medical student from the Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznań, in Poland (Europe)
This experience is the perfect opportunity to step outside of your comfort zone and explore different cultures and work ethics so that you can develop both your soft and hard skill sets. If you have the opportunity, take it, and don’t be scared to choose your own path in life!
Tagwaa E.M.Babiker, a 4th Year Student from the University of Khartoum, Khartoum, in Sudan (Africa)
This laboratory-based research experience provides invaluable exposure to the field of science through practical hands-on involvement. This engaging introduction to the world of scientific research will help define your career path and is hugely advantageous in providing a unique, clear perspective of your personal interests in a wonderfully independent manner.
Coming Soon
State of the art research in 3D heart printing technology for 50 different types of paediatric congenital deformation conditions
Children Cardiac Surgery and Training Center, IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, Milan, Italy
Novel research in the field of probiotic application addressing the associated difficulties that occur as a result of environmental changes
Section of Microbiology, Department of Chemical, Pharmaceutical & Agricultural Sciences, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy
Essential research in the field of molecular biology directed at bridging the gap between bench-to-bedside applications
Department of Molecular Biology & Translational Medicine, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy
Contact Us
Address: Corso Ercole I° D'Este n°32, 44121 Ferrara, Italy
WhatsApp: +852-9765 1116